Tag: chemistry

The Science of Chem Light

The Science of Chem Light What is fun to snap, hear crack, and watch glow? Glow sticks! A glow stick, also known as chem light, is a self-contained chemical light source that has been around since the 1960s. Although not popular until the 1980s, scientists first started investigating chemiluminescence (the science of chem light) after... Read more »

ChemCeed Attends Career Venture Educational Event

Each year, Workforce Resource hosts “Career Venture,” an area event to help foster career and educational awareness for students.  ChemCeed proudly participated in the 2022 Career Venture event, with lively chemistry demonstrations for more than 2,000 middle school students. For this year’s event, we chose a fun experiment called “Elephant Toothpaste.”  Using a few household... Read more »

The Importance of Teaching Kids Chemistry

Look around you. Everything you see is a wonder of chemistry, from the everyday items like the plastic cup you are drinking out of to the metabolic processes happening within your own body. That is why teaching our kids chemistry is so important. Learning chemistry is a great way for kids to learn scientific methods... Read more »

Chemical Synthesis of Sebacic Acid

Sebacic Acid is a castor-derived fatty acid and a precursor to various esters such as dioctyl sebacate, dibutyl sebacate, and dimethyl sebcate. While the price is often tied to the castor crop yield each year, many consumers of Sebacic Acid have become curious about how the chemical is produced from its castor oil feedstock. Although... Read more »